
Nyajum D
Hi Myself Nyajum Recovering Addict,
I was in active addiction since 2016. I started doing heroin and continued using until I was 30+. I had faced so many consequences through my active addiction it was was like hell to me, I lost trust,family,friends,relationships,near and dear ones, as well as health and wealth. I was totally broke from everything/every side.My family had to prepare my funeral. I told my mom I was going to die from this disease, that it was my destiny.
One day I suddenly had a moment of sanity. It was like my head and my heart were both suddenly on the same exact page, and I thought, “What are you doing? This isn’t good.
I walked into the REVIVAL WELLNESS CENTRE, GUWAHATI. It was the first time I finally said I need help. It starts with surrendering. And the first thing in surrendering is asking somebody for help. Whatever that help is. And hopefully I got a place that can offer the help ineed. It’s worth it.
I started doing my treatment, initial stage of my treatment was very tough but there was always a hope that I can and I will. I started following the time table and The twelve steps. The twelve steps are about spirituality. They’re not about sobriety. They’re about growing along spiritual lines, and sobriety is a by-product of that. My recovery has been a journey. As a recovering addict, part of my journey is about finding my voice and figuring out who I am. I sought spirituality and a connection with my higher power with a desperation that I never had before. The challenge for me now is not to fight urges to using drugs/alcohol, but to stay passionate about recovery and excited about spirituality. Long-term sobriety is about constantly seeking – seeking to grow, seeking to help others, and seeking what my truth is and living it. It’s about self-reflection, remaining teachable, staying humble, and not compromising my morals regardless of the worldly consequences.
I’m grateful to my counsellor,staffs of Revival Wellness Society for guiding me through this difficult journey. I pray to god to give them wisdom and knowledge so that they can guide us in our recovery. Revival Wellness Society is my happy home and surrounded with love and care with full support.
Anurag P
This is all for the Place
Where I am Living
My attitudes and behaviour are not
The same as it had always been
My old ways, thinking pattern changed
Since I started living clean
Had seen darkness in addiction
Revival made me see red, blue, green
I always lived life alone, now
I’ve found a team
Recovery is possible, if one can act
Reality Conspicuous to me and
This my conscious fact
One day a time, connected
with the ties that bind
Living a clean, healthy life
I never thought was possible
Made a try for better
And everything seems plausible
I ain’t writing this, for no small reasons
My life is changing and my problems now minimal
Warm rewords and gratitude

Pranjit C
I was suffering from substance use disorder. I wasn’t doing well with my life and i wasn’t able focus on my studies or focus on anything.
Then I came to “Revival Wellness Society” seeking help, after losing all my hope i wasn’t able think or find a way to get out of this vicious cycle. My mentors helped me and supported me in my treatment. Taught me how I’ll cope up with the reality of my life. I’ve surrendered myself in front of Good Orderly Direction and turned my miserable life into a happy life.
With the help and support of my mentors I’m living my life happily without the use of drugs.
I’m eternally grateful to Revival Wellness Society.

Karbang D
Life is getting batter day by day. I had never belived that life could be so beautiful and colorful. This place really gives me courage, faith and hope. It really turns out to be the best choice for people like us.
Staying here sometimes can be a challanging process as it takes constant patience and maintenane. After coming here I come to believe that am addiction free life is possible and worth it. Today I am no more an introvert person. Today by the grace of God I can speak and think as a openminded person. Today I simply think and analyse every single and small things before coming to an action.
These all changes comes inside me only because of this place (R.W.S). For that I really give my gratitude to my counselor, to my fellow brothers and to everyone out here who has helped and supported me so far.
Akash G
Eyes filled with dark vision
Lost in imagination.
Life’s an illusion inside Addiction, Lies in Paradise, Clouds with Starless Skies Underneath the dark Night walking down the streets
tryna Find the light
False have while tripping Life
No peace, high Smoking up other
Supplies No Goodbyes Rest in
Peace, T3, My homies Leaving the
Body going After life Left Tears
in my eyes left my Face with
No Smile, Heart Cold memories
Fly, touches by.

Treatment Centre
Therapy for all Mental Illnesses and Behavioural Aberrations are provided both on an Individual Therapy basis as well as in Group Setting.
Our De-Addiction Programme involves a versatile range of different treatments that can vary from one person to another. It is necessary that the addicted or physically impaired opts for a recovery program that will work for him or her. To address your specific needs, ‘Revival Wellness Society’ offers different types of De Addiction Treatments.
While Treating addiction we use and process Advanced Treatments which may be a bit complex. An alcoholic may benefit from different treatment strategies like medical care, counselling, or nutrition related treatments. Additionally, different types of medicine may be prescribed for recovery from various emotional traumas.

Quick Links
Contact Info
- House No-27, Beharbari, Sonkuchi, Near Sonkuchi Temple Guwahati 781029
- revivalwellnesssociety@gmail.com
- +91 8486964713
- +91 8638335350